Many of you will have attended the public meeting in the civic suite about the proposed 19 storey block between the two stations in Catford. The overwhelming feeling was that the residents of Catford do not want it. This application is on the agenda for Lewisham’s Strategic Planning Committee at their next meeting: 7.30 pm on Tuesday 22nd March in the Civic Suite. As many of you as possible need to be there! The recommendation of the planning officers is to GRANT PERMISSION
I have been given to understand that there will be a public meeting about the Phoebes proposal. It is likely to take place after the consultation date but crucially before any recommendation is reached. We have asked to be given as much notice as possible of the the date,time and venue in order for us to get the information to our members.
Meanwhile it is important that those of you who wish to object please get your comments in. The RA will be writing to express our view. The date for comments is now March 23rd. Please do not worry if you do not have your comments in by then as the Planning Department has said they will take comments up until the day of the Hearing.. However it is always a good idea to have the comments in on time if possible. I am still waiting to hear from Cllr Alan Smith the date for the public Meeting. He has requested this on our behalf. As soon as I know I will send out an email shot.
Apologies if you have a hot mail address it does not respond to gmail (at least some don't as they bounce) I am trying to get a solution to this problem. I will put the message out on this page and on facebook Many of you will know by now of the proposed development at Phoebes. Mike Jordan the present owner of Phoebes is finding the retail part of the business is no longer viable. The proposal is to develop the site to a 3 storey block of flats with a mixture of 1,2,and3 bedroom flats. CGRA has concerns over the design and density, safety and privacy. The impact it will have on the immediate vicinity and the parking issues that will follow such a development. As yet the formal application has yet to go in. Please watch out for developing news on this mattter
Here is a picture of the winning entry.